97 research outputs found

    Hadis Muttafaq `Alaih Dalam Kitab Riyâdh Al-Shâlihîn

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    Dalam kajian ilmu hadis riwayah perbedaan redaksi hadis merupakan hal yang sangat diperhatikan dan para ulama hadis sepakat menganggap dua riwayat yang berbeda redaksinya sebagai dua hadis.t Mereka tidak memperbolehkan mengubah redaksi hadis di satu kitab dengan menambah atau mengurangi satu kata maupun satu hurufpun dengan tetap menisbatkan hadis itu kepada kitab tersebut. Oleh karena itu mestinya hadis muttafaq `alaih yang terdapat dalam kitab-kitab himpunan hadis benar-benar redaksinya terdapat dalam Shahih al-Bukhari dan Shahih Muslim . Apabila suatu hadis yang disebut muttafaq `alaih redaksinya tidak bisa ditemukan pada sumber aslinya dengan redaksi yang sama, maka pencantuman hadis itu merupakan pelanggaran kode etik periwayatan hadis. Hal terakhir ini terjadi pada hadis “Innamâ al-a`mâl bi al-niyyât” pada awal kitab Al-Arba`în al-Nawawiyyah dan kitab Riyâdh al-Shâlihîn karya Al-Nawawi (w. 676 H). Temuan ini menjadi alasan cukup kuat untuk meneliti lebih lanjut hadis-hadis muttafaq `alaih di dalam Riyâdh al-Shâlihîn mengingat dalam kitab ini jumlah hadis muttafaq `alaih mencapai sekitar separoh dari jumlah hadis yang tercantum di dalamnya, yaitu sekitar 900 hadis dari 1800 hadis. Hasil penelitian pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa teks hadis-hadis muttafaq `alaih dapat diklasifikasi menjadi tiga, yaitu hadis yang benar-benar sama dengan teks hadis dalam Shahih al-Bukhari dan Shahih Muslim , hadis yang hanya sama dengan salah satunya atau merupakan kutipan darinya, dan hadis yang berbeda sama sekali dengan keduanya. Maka dengan penelitian ini diharapkan dapat ditemukan kasus hadis muttafaq `laih katagori ketiga yang bervariasi dan merupakan pelanggaran kode etik periwayatan hadis yang dilakukan penulis Riyadh al-Shalihin. Meskipun demikian temuan ini dapat dijadikan bahan perumusan kriteria hadis muttafaq `alaih selain dua kriteria yang sudah disepakati.Dengan ditemukannya rumusan kriteria-kriteria hadis muttafaq `alaih katagori ketiga dalam kitab Riyadh al-Shalihin, maka akan dihasilkan teori baru bagi kajian hadis muttafaq `alaih yang selama ini tidak pernah dipersoalkan dan dipertanyakan. Teori tersebut pada gilirannya dapat mempermudah para penulis karya ilmiah dalam merujuk hadis muttafaq `alaih kepada sumber primernya

    Study of Soil Degradation Status at Jatipurno District, Keduang Sub-Watersheds, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java

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    This study is aimed to evaluate soil degradation based on Standard Criteria of Soil Degradation for Biomass Production under Indonesian Government Regulation No. 150 in 2000. Conducted at Jatipurno District, Keduang Sub-Watersheds, between October and December 2016, at seven selected land units, each land unit is represented by four sample points. The selection of sampling area is according to Stratified Purposive Sampling method. The evaluation of soil degradation is carried out by determining the threshold value and key factors of soil characteristics based on the Standard Criteria of Soil (matching process), which lead to degradation. The results showed that the entire soil at Jatipurno District is slightly degraded. The most extensive soil degradation 2,869.31 ha area (69.60%) is caused by a low colloid fraction, high bulk density, low total porosity and low soil permeability. The soil degradation mostly caused by low soil permeability which the number is under critical threshold < 0.7 cm hour-1 in the entire land units. Implementing providing organic matter to the soil, planting variations of cover crops, on land plots (low, medium, high cover crops), land management by crop rotation and intercropping, minimum tillage in accordance with the rules of environmental conservation, can be done to minimize the soil degradation

    Evaluation of Land Fertility Status in Tirtomoyo District, Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia

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    Evaluation of soil fertility status on agricultural is to know the fertility of soil chemically through soil analysis or soil test. This is done to obtain estimates data of land characteristics based on parameters observed and tested for various alternative uses based on specific objectives. Parameters used to assess soil fertility status are Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC); Bases Saturation (BS); Organic Carbon; Total P and K levels. Evaluation of soil fertility status is needed as an effort to know the potential and direction of the management of production land on the cultivation of agricultural crops, and to know the factor of fertility that limits on the land. Based on the above description, it is necessary to evaluate the status of soil fertility in Tirtomoyo District in order to be used in the effort to provide and increase food sustainability for Wonogiri region and able to increase the economy level and income for the farmers. The results showed that the soil fertility status in all areas of Tirtomoyo District classified into the low category. This is due to the low value shown in almost all observation parameters; Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC); Base Saturation (BS); Organic Carbon; Total P and K levels. The limiting factor of soil fertility status caused by a very low Total P value of 2.16 mg 100 g-1 to 14.19 mg 100 g-1, and Organic Carbon which is low with 0.4% to 1.7%

    The Stratification of Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Top Soils as Affected by the Management of Organic and Conventional Rice Cultivation

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    Organic and conventional management in rice cultivation have an impact on the nature of soil and the sustainability of agricultural system. This study aimed to determine the stratification of organic carbon and nitrogen in top soil from organic and conventional rice management. Top soil samples from organic and conventional rice management were taken before planting rice to find out the parameters of several soil characteristics. After rice was planted, top soil samples were taken at the depths of 0-4, 4-8, 8-12, 12-16, 16-20, 20-24 and 24-28 cm from organic and conventional rice fields, to determine the total organic carbon, total nitrogen and nitrate. The results show that organic rice management will provide better soil properties. Stratification of organic carbon and nitrogen was found in top soil from organic and conventional rice fields. Organic rice field appeared to have organic carbon content that was significantly higher than that of conventional rice field, and it is concentrated on top soil surface. The total nitrogen content in layers 0-4 cm and 4-8 cm in organic rice field was considerably higher than in conventional, but the content was different in layers 8-24 cm. Nitrate content was significantly different in top soil 12-16, 16-20 and 20-24 cm, significantly in top soil 8-12 cm, with nitrate in top soil of conventional rice field higher than in organic rice field. However, it was not significant in 0-4 cm and 4-8 cm top soils. This condition was influenced by organic and synthetic chemical fertilization, nitrification, denitrification and leaching

    Changes in Soil Chemical Properties of Organic Paddy Field with Azolla Application

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    The use of high organic fertilizer in the organic farming system is one of the obstacles in the implementation of organic farming in Indonesia. It is necessary to find alternative materials to substitute or meet the shortage of existing organic fertilizer. This study aims to determine the effect of Azolla (Azolla mycrophylla. L) on some soil chemical properties on organic paddy field. The The field experiments used factorial complete randomized block design of three factors, namely Azolla (0 and 2  tons / ha), Manure (0 and 10  tons / ha) and Rice Varieties ( Mira1, Mentik Wangi and Merah Putih), with three times replication.  Azolla  2  tons / ha is able to increase soil total  N 18%; available P  87,5 %; organic C  3,78% CEC 8,03 % and soil pH 1,00%;  compared to control (without Azolla). Compared with manure 10  tonss / ha, giving Azolla 2  tonss / ha was able to increase only on soil available P about 50 %, but lower on  soil total N, organic C, CEC and  soil pH  1,9% ; 9,27% ; 9,40% and 0,67%.  Azolla can be used as a substitute or complement  of manure on organic  paddy field

    Isotopic Tracing of Phosphorus Uptake in Oil Palm Seedlings Leaf Axil Using 32P Labelled

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    Pot experiments have been carried out to investigate the distribution pattern of Phosphorus in oil palm seedlings axillary axes using 32P radioisotope technique. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse at the Center for Application of Isotope and Radiation – National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia. KH232PO4 solution with the activity of 5 mCi was injected into five points viz through the lowest, middle, upper leaf axil, at the base of the trunk and the soil 5 cm from the trunk. The method used was  randomized complete block design with two replications.The 32P uptake is expressed in counted per minute (cpm) counted by Liquid Scintillation Counter  then transformed to disintegration per minute (dpm). The results showed that at the injection point in the lowest leaf axil, the distribution of 32P was more towards the crown before heading towards the roots.In the middle of the leaf axil,the distribution of 32P was recordedhigher, nutrients were actively distributed to the top of the plant while the roots were very low. The dynamics of 32P at the upper axil injection point, the highest 32P uptake at the start of the injection was seen in the lowest leaf axil. The 32P distribution then leads to the stem, roots and finally to the canopy. At the injection point in the soil 5 cm from the trunk, the counted value shows 32P distributed to the top of the plant, while at the base of the trunk, 32P is distributed to the farthest injection point, the plant canopy. From this study,  it can be concluded that 32P radioisotopes can describe the distribution of nutrients in plant parts, wherever radioisotope is applied. Phosphorus can be applied through any leaf axil and can be distributed well to the canopy of plants

    Soil Fertility Status of Organic Paddy Experiment

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    The study aims to determine fertility status of the soil after organic paddy experiments using kinds and doses of organic fertilizers. Experiment was conducted at greenhouse laboratory in Faculty of Agriculture Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. Experimental design used completely randomized design with 9 kinds of treatment was replicated 3 times. Experiments were the use of cow manure, Azolla fertilizer, Azolla inoculum and its combinations that are based on fulfilling nutrient requirements of 120 kg N ha-1.Result shows that the use of cow manure, Azolla fertilizers and Azolla inoculum had no effect on changes of soil fertility status. Soil fertility status was not significantly correlated with cow manure (0,16ns), Azolla fertilizer (0,26ns) and Azolla inoculum (0,16ns). Average of final soil fertility status included fertile category, which was similar as the initial soil fertility status. Average of final soil properties of treatment but nevertheless was relatively higher than in no treatment, indicating the use of cow manure, Azolla fertilizer, Azolla inoculum and its combinations had greater impact to soil properties. Cow manure despite increased available K2O and dry grain, but it did not significantly increase the soil fertility status from fertile to very fertile. This was presumably due to the relatively short experiment period, only one planting season had not given significant effect to soil properties. Implication of this study is the use of cow manure, Azolla fertilizer, Azolla inoculum and its combinations although did not increase the soil fertility status but could maintain soil fertility status as the initial conditions before planting


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    Title : Vermicompost and Inorganic Fertilizer Effect on Availability of Nitrogen at Alfisols Jumantono and Its Absorption in Sweet Corn (Zea mays L. saccharata). The purpose of this experiment is to know the effect of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizer on availability of nitrogen at Alfisols Jumantono and its absorption in sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharata). This research was done from September 2007 until January 2008 in Sub district of Jumantono, Regency of Karanganyar, soil and plant tissue analysis was done in Laboratory of Chemical and Soil Fertility, Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. This research represents experimental research by using Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) factorial with two factors. First factor was vermicompost dosage and second factor was inorganic fertilizer dosage (urea, SP36, KCl). Factor I consisted of 3 level that is: K0 (without vermicompost), K1 (vermicompost 1.5 ton.ha-1), K2 (vermicompost 3 ton.ha-1). Factor II consisted of 3 level that is: A0 (without inorganic fertilizer), A1 (urea 100 kg.ha-1, SP36 50 kg.ha-1, and KCl 25 kg.ha-1), A2 (Urea 200 kg.ha-1, SP36 100 kg.ha-1, and KCl 50 kg.ha-1). From bolt of the factor obtained 9 treatment combination and each treatment combination repeated 3 times. Statistics analysis use F Test, Kruskal Wallis, DMRT, Mood Median, and Correlation. Research result indicates that there are interaction between vermicompost and inorganic fertilizer which improving availability of nitrogen at Alfisols and its absorption in sweet corn. Highest of N available by present of vermicompost 3 ton.ha-1 + urea 200 kg.ha-1, SP36 100 kg.ha-1, and KCl 50 kg.ha-1 that is 0.095%. Highest of N Absorption and N of plant tissue that is 0.714 g/plant and 1.39% shown by present of interaction between vermicompost 3 kg.ha-1 and without inorganic fertilizer. Highest of total N shown by present of urea 200 kg.ha-1, SP36 100 kg.ha-1, KCl 50 kg.ha-1 that is 0.30%. Keywords: Vermicompost, inorganic fertilizer, Alfisols, sweet corn, N availability, N absorptionThe purpose of this experiment is to know the effect of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizer on availability of nitrogen at Alfisols Jumantono and its absorption in sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharata). This research was done from September 2007 until January 2008 in Sub district of Jumantono, Regency of Karanganyar, soil and plant tissue analysis was done in Laboratory of Chemical and Soil Fertility, Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. This research represents experimental research by using Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) factorial with two factors. First factor was vermicompost dosage and second factor was inorganic fertilizer dosage (urea, SP36, KCl). Factor I consisted of 3 level that is: K0 (without vermicompost), K1 (vermicompost 1.5 ton.ha-1), K2 (vermicompost 3 ton.ha-1). Factor II consisted of 3 level that is: A0 (without inorganic fertilizer), A1 (urea 100 kg.ha-1, SP36 50 kg.ha-1, and KCl 25 kg.ha-1), A2 (Urea 200 kg.ha-1, SP36 100 kg.ha-1, and KCl 50 kg.ha-1). From bolt of the factor obtained 9 treatment combination and each treatment combination repeated 3 times. Statistics analysis use F Test, Kruskal Wallis, DMRT, Mood Median, and Correlation. Research result indicates that there are interaction between vermicompost and inorganic fertilizer which improving availability of nitrogen at Alfisols and its absorption in sweet corn. Highest of N available by present of vermicompost 3 ton.ha-1 + urea 200 kg.ha-1, SP36 100 kg.ha-1, and KCl 50 kg.ha-1 that is 0.095%. Highest of N Absorption and N of plant tissue that is 0.714 g/plant and 1.39% shown by present of interaction between vermicompost 3 kg.ha-1 and without inorganic fertilizer. Highest of total N shown by present of urea 200 kg.ha-1, SP36 100 kg.ha-1, KCl 50 kg.ha-1 that is 0.30%. Keywords: Vermicompost, inorganic fertilizer, Alfisols, sweet corn, N availability, N absorptio

    Agricultural Land Dryness Distribution Using the Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI) Algorithm on Landsat 8 Imagery in Eromoko, Indonesia

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    The study area, Eromoko, has agricultural land covering 79.76% of the area, which experiences drought every year, causing a decrease in crop yields. Information on agricultural land dryness is needed to reduce the impact of dryness conditions on the agricultural sector. The effect of drought can be minimized using the transformation of the Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI) algorithm on Landsat 8 Imagery because it is considered capable of being used for land drought analysis that is accurate and efficient in time and cost. This study created a model for estimating soil moisture with actual soil moisture as the dependent variable and NDDI as the independent variable in several agricultural land uses in Eromoko. The results showed that the estimation model could estimate soil moisture with accuracy in plantations at 85.31%, irrigated paddy fields at 75.99%, rainfed paddy fields at 76.62%, and moors at 88.48%. The dryness category in the study area is 3,314.82 ha (35% of the total area). The variability of land use greatly affects the drying conditions. Dryness conditions can be reduced by controlling the dryness factors. Mitigation efforts to maintain soil moisture include irrigation planning based on the estimation model, applying bio-mulch and organic mulch, organic fertilization, and meeting water requirements in the harvesting period

    Analisis Aspek Biofisik dalam Penilaian Kerawanan Banjir di Sub DAS Samin Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Floods a main problem in Samin sub watershed, which is part of the Bengawan Solo watershed, Central Java Province. Assessment of the flood vulnerability level and its determinant causes is required as a basis information for policy makers to design a flood mitigation strategy. This study aims to assess the level of flood vulnerability and to analyze the biophysical aspects that caused flooding in Samin sub watershed. The method used is survey and the quantitative analysis of biophysical aspects including slope, soil, drainage density, land use and rainfall using map-overlay and scoring approach. Data analysis using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. The results showed that the Samin sub-watershed areas has five levels of flood vulnerability is the category of "not vulnerable" area of 2188.44 ha (3.45%), "rather vulnerable" area of 3194.17 ha (5.03%), "quite vulnerable" area of 5379.17 ha (8.47%), "vulnerable" area of 31006.51 ha (48.83%) and "very vulnerable" area of 21726.56 ha (34.22%). The level is vulnerable - very vulnerable mostly spread in the middle and downstream Samin sub-basins including the District Polokarto, Sukoharjo, Mojolaban, Bendosari, Jumantono, Karanganyar, Kebakkramat, Jaten. While the level is rather vulnerable - not prone areas spread in the upstream sub-basins that is District Tawangmangu, Jatiyoso, Ngargoyoso. Correlation analysis results show that the most dominant biophysical aspects that caused flooding in Samin sub watershed is the slope, drainage density and land use
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